Music Teacher

Abby Lindeman hails from the charming town of Harrisonburg, Virginia. She is a graduate of Liberty University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with concentrations in Music, Global Studies, and Language. Her journey in life led her to an incredible partner, and Abby and her husband have been married for just under two years.

Abby's passion revolves around teaching all forms of worship and inspiring others to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Her mission is rooted in the belief that, amidst life's many pursuits, there is one essential thing – to sit at Jesus's feet and learn from Him, a philosophy she draws from Luke 10:42.

Abby's life has been punctuated by her overseas experiences, totaling a year and a half. These journeys have enabled her to become fluent in Arabic. Her passion for global worship is fueled by the desire to witness the body of Christ uniting as one, worshipping on earth as they will one day in Heaven.

To Abby, worship is more than just a form of musical expression; it's a spiritual weapon. She firmly believes in the power of praise and worship, citing 2 Chronicles 20 as a source of inspiration. Abby contends that worship has the remarkable ability to shape our hearts and minds in the physical world, while simultaneously inviting God's presence to fight our battles in the spiritual realm.

Abby's devotion to music and worship, combined with her deep desire for unity in the body of Christ, make her an invaluable member of the Banner Christian School community. Her work aligns seamlessly with the school's faith-based mission, guiding students to worship God in spirit and truth, and fostering a deeper understanding of their faith through music.

Education & Credentials

B.S. Liberty University

Fun Facts

Celebrity I'd Mostly Likely Be Great Pals With
Steffany Gretzinger or Jackie Hill Perry
Favorite Way to Stay Active
Crossfit and neighborhood walks
Most Desired Superpower